Welcome To The Harmony Exercise!

An original 10 minute meditation that will leave you feeling calm and connected.

Realize Health

Our Natural Condition

Realize Harmony

For Ourselves and For Others

Express Gratitude

Be Thankful

Realize Abundance

We Have Enough and To Spare For Our Every Need

A 10 minute daily routine that
creates positive change in the body mind and spirit.

About Us


We believe in feeling calm and connected in all of our relationships.


By practicing focused breathing and thinking exercises we can take control of our bodies and minds.



A sequential routine of 7 exercises performed in 10 minutes that brings together the body mind and spirit.

John Denney

John is a Performance Coach based in Jupiter Fl.
He holds a Bachelors degree in Speech Communications from Syracuse University and a
Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Pepperdine University.
John has been practicing The Harmony Exercise since learning it from Carroll Righter (1900-1988) astrologer and spiritual advisor for many of Hollywood’s most famous including
Ron and Nancy Reagan. It is the foundation of his marriage and family.
He says:
“I had moved to California to get discovered as an actor, model, producer, with no luck. But I would meet Carroll so I could discover myself. He has had the biggest affect on my life as any person and I only knew him for three years. He was always happy and positive and I wanted to know why… I was only 23 years old but I was being called to something much bigger”
John has studied and participated in many self help workshops with people including Alan Cohen, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Ram Dass, and Dr. Wayne Dyer .
His performance coaching practice is also inspired by the teachings of the early 20th century such as Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peele, Earl Nightingale and Neville Goddard.

It is John’s mission to share The Harmony Exercise with the world.

Bari Denney

Bari Denney has been practicing The Harmony Exercise regularly since learning it in 1990.

She has studied and participated in many of the same workshops with her husband.
Her experience as a professional Interior Designer provides Bari with strong communication skills and problem solving skills. She is very creative and is a dedicated wife and mother.


Become part of the Harmony Exercise Community.

Three Steps to Harmony





To be alive we must breathe, reinvigorate the body with oxygen.


Using the mind actively, forming a positive attitude.